University of Arkansas

美 [ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːrsəti əv ˈɑrkənˌsɑ]英 [ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəti ɒv ˈɑːkənsɔː]
  • 网络美国阿肯色大学;阿肯色大学;阿肯色州大学;阿肯色州立大学;阿肯色
University of ArkansasUniversity of Arkansas
  1. Analysing the bones and rocks , a team of palaeontologists from the University of Arkansas say it suggests the tyrannosaurs came together to prey1 on other animals , at least when times got tougher and resources were dwindling2 .


  2. He said there was a sudden , unexpected vacancy on the faculty of the University of Arkansas Law School at Fayetteville .


  3. Cynthia Sagers is a professor at the University of Arkansas .


  4. Brady Cox is an assistant professor of civil engineering at the University of Arkansas .


  5. By the time I was 17 , I thought I might get a football scholarship to the University of Arkansas .


  6. The University of Arkansas is a public university located in Fayetteville , Arkansas .


  7. Robert Costrell is a professor of education reform and economics at the University of Arkansas .


  8. He contacted David Stable of the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville who uses tree ring data to study climate .


  9. He was born in1905 in Fayetteville , a beautiful Ozark Mountain town in north Arkansas where the University of Arkansas is located .


  10. Rose , a professor of anthropology in the University of Arkansas in the United States , said adults buried in the cemetery were probably brought there from other parts of Egypt .


  11. The findings were presented on August 6th at the annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America in Pittsburgh . [ Meredith Schafer et al . , University of Arkansas ]


  12. Brady Cox is an assistant professor of civil engineering at the University of Arkansas . He is also an earthquake expert with an organization called Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance , or GEER .


  13. State officials have sent samples of dying , but not yet dead , fish to the fish disease lab at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff , which could take a couple of weeks to reach conclusions .


  14. Other than eating meat as a survival technique - and because that along with the occasional twigs and berries were all that was at our primitive ancestors ' disposal - Pete Ungar of the University of Arkansas made the discovery in 2003 that Homo sapiens


  15. Mr. Wilson , who graduated from the University of Central Arkansas in 2010 and then started law school here , shuns political labels .


  16. The team also includes scientists from the University of Nebraska , the University of Arkansas , Vanderbilt University , and the University of North Texas Health Science Center .


  17. These were Brooklyn College in New York City , Texas A & M , the University of Texas-Austin , West Point and the University of Arkansas .
